DNC Open 2009
Again there will be an international draughts tournament organised near the beach in The Hague. A tournament for everyone: young and old, strong players and beginners. Combine playing draughts with a holiday on the beach! The tournament will be played from Saturday July 18th to (and including) Saturday July 25th.
Playing schedule
The time schedule is as follows:
Day | Date | Time | What |
Saturday | 18 July | 11.00 hr | Registration |
12.00 hr | Opening and first round | ||
Sunday | 19 July | 12.00 hr | Second round |
19.00 hr | Park Blitz tournament | ||
Monday | 20 July | 12.00 hr | Third round |
Tuesday | 21 July | 10.00 hr | Fourth round |
16.00 hr | Fifth round | ||
Wednesday | 22 July | 12.00 hr | Sixth round |
Thursday | 23 July | 12.00 hr | Seventh round |
  |   | 20.00 hr | Disco Blitz tournament |
Friday | 24 July | 12.00 hr | Eigth round |
Saturday | 25 July | 10.00 hr | Nineth round |
16.00 hr | Closing ceremony |
The tournament will be played in Sport and Recreation Centre Ockenburgh at the Wijndaelerduin 25, 2554 BX Den Haag. Drinks are available at affordable prices.
Participation fee and prices
Participants have to pay the following fees:
Category | Fee |
Seniors | EUR 35,- |
Youth and Internationaal Masters | EUR 17,50 |
International Grandmasters | Free |
These fees are valid until July 1st. After this date it is 40 resp 20 euro and can only be paid cash just before the opening ceremony.
With 100 participants there is a guranteed price of EURO 3500,-. There are prices for the five strongest players:
Main ranking | Price |
First place | EUR 1000,- |
Second place | EUR 500,- |
Third place | EUR 400,- |
Fourth place | EUR 300,- |
fifth place | EUR 200,- |
There are also prices for several sub-classes, like rating classes women, youth, etc. The first three in each rating class can win the following prices:
Rating klassement | Prijs |
First place | EUR 100,- |
Second place | EUR 50,- |
Third place | EUR 25,- |
Participants have their own responsibility for accommodation. There are a lot of possibilities in pensions, hotels en appartments in Scheveningen (if you are quick), a very short list:
- Kijkduinpark, Machiel Vrijenhoeklaan 50, 2555 NW Den Haag, (070) 4482100
- Camping Duinhorst, Bhrtweg 135, 2244 BH Wassenaar, (070) 3242270
- Carlton Beach Hotel, Gevers Deynootweg 201, 2586 HZ Den Haag, (070) 3541414
- Budget Hotel El Cid, Badhuisweg 51, 2587 CC Den Haag, EURO 18,= tot 30.=. (070) 3546667
- Strandhotel, Zeekant 111, 2586 JJ Den Haag, EURO 35,= tot 85.=. (070) 3540193
Participants may subscribe by submitting the subscription form and paying the fee to Postbank account 5826700 of Committee The Hague Open, Den Haag. If this is not possible to you can also send an email to Alex Kruyshoop. Please give your name, full address and phone number.
Tournament organisation
The tournament is organised by Foundation The Hague Open. The following persons form the Board of this foundation:
President and Public Relations | Fred Ivens | Damclub Den Haag |
Secretary General | Cor Stapper | Damclub Den Haag |
Treasurer and Sponsoring | Jan Kok | Damclub Den Haag |
Tournament Secretary | Alex Kruyshoop | Damclub Den Haag |
Activities and Sponsoring | Richard van Diggele | personal title |
Adjunct | Patrick Stork | Damclub Den Haag |